updated 10/15/00
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So here it is, my words of wisdom to take you through your day (or
couple of days as you will cut me some slack on how often I update
this). You can even ask a specific question to me (via email
- not icq) if you want some specific "wisdom" from me. |
So I as you know I went to Montgomery this weekend for the Capri Gala (or as I like to affectionately refer to as - The Ball). Every year they hold one and every year the reverend invites me to go. Usually I have something that prevents from attending (usually that event revolved around going to MOCtoberfest and having to prepare for it) - but this year I was free and clear and was told that the theme would be 1930's academy award winners. Which means I get to get all primped up in a gown - and there is no event where I could dream of wearing gowns unless I am the bridesmaid (and those dresses are ugly) or am at a con where a gown is kinda overdressy. As soon as I arrived at the hotel (which was all right hand turns to get to - yay Reverend for recognizing my fear of traffic) he is right there at the front entrance eager to help me with my things. As I wasn't quite sure what would be "appropriate" gown wear - I brought all thirteen of them (courtesy of Latex Geisha) and was hoping the Reverend would help me choose one or at least narrow it down. He promptly chose the gown that was more thirties-looking (and of course would go with his outfit) - a black lace floor length number with a small train in the back (yet it was nothing I would trip over if intoxicated as I had feared earlier). He swoops up my things and then as we get to the door he races in before me so he can "present" the most prominant feature of the room (besides the full bar that he whipped up). I could not stop laughing as he showed me what he liked to call "the pervert bathroom." The bathroom was like any other bathroom in a hotel, except that it had a jacuzzi bath and there were two shower curtains around it - one that faced into the bathroom and the other into the room itelf, which meant to the Reverend that it doubled as a "peep show" type shower. Only the Reverend would find the dirty old man qualities of anything around him. For the rest of our stay there, he actually liked using the shower curtain as THE door to the bathroom (which of course made me jump everytime he did). Here is pic of one of those action shots in which he did make me jump. While I was nervously taking a shower and having to watch BOTH curtains (which made me giggle all the more when he would jokingly place a hand on the inside of the curtain making me yelp and take a fighting stance), he told me that he "had something for me." While I pondered this being the equivalent to a "pull my finger" joke (among other things) i pull the curtain open just a little (but not as much as he would have liked) and I see that he has bought roses for me. (everyone take a break here and go "AWWWWWW that's so sweet"). He even brought a vase to put them in. While I was wondering what to do about the fact that I didn't want to get into a dress too early and just wanted to hang out for a bit - the Reverend heard my thoughts and yelled that there was a bathrobe for me. After I donned a robe I heard the pop of a champagne bottle (followed by the "Ouch, dammit that hurt" immediately after from the Reverend). I am being so pampered, here. From then on - I switched on the cam and we played around on the computer, drank champagne , made obscure Conversatron references , made faces at the cam and finished getting ready. (and another one getting ready). We were so late getting to the car, but we managed to get in this shot before we left to show off our outfits and be fabulous. Our first stop was the gaming store that he frequents so we could show off our outfits and gloat about being able to get out and go somwhere with out the help of a six sided die. Next we were off to the Gala itself. How fun it was to look around at all the people that were dressed up and the red carpet that was outside along with the fake paparazzi that were taking pics everywhere. We were starved so we spent some time grazing at the buffet table (lots of good food - i was sorry that the dress i was wearing was so tight), then we met up with the Reverend's pal Lane (what a cutie). We all were having a good time making fun of folks (if i thought I was tightly in my dress - some of these women had to be pureed to ge into theirs) and getting pics of some people whose outfits were so groovy/nasty/funny. It was at this time that I was accosted by a guy named Marty Swartz. This guy was so very guido - he was pretending to be some big shot producer and seemed threatened by the Reverend's presence as my date. (hmmm.. have i been in this situaiton before?). Anyway, it was all an act for him (who would believe someone who actually chose to look like a Mr. Microphone head with his fake afro), and he had us rolling on the floor. If that wasn't funny enough - he was calling for his wife so I could meet her. Mr. Afro was shouting "Cotton Candy - get your ass over here" and this woman who had a wig of pink hair piled higher than Mr. Conehead snapping her gum and calling people sweetie came right over to say hello. The Reverend and I just lost it from then on. That whole scene was just too surreal. I got my picture taken with them and then we quickly hid in the theater to catch the show ("It happened One Night")and to get away from egos bigger than our own. Gawd. After refilling our champagne classes several times and laughing at the rich drunk people spend their money on things we wouldn't even buy from the Rescue Mission (it's all for charity)- we opted to head over to Lane's house and get changed into some more comfortable clothing and then go see one of the Reverend's friends, Stuart, play in the bar across from the Capri. I don't usually like live music, except I really liked the whole idea of Stuart playing "Material Girl" on the accordian and all of us singing along. Too funny. The next day we had lunch at a local deli, trying to find that cure for our hangovers (chicken salad sandwich good) and the Reverend told me of a screenplay he had written in high school about the Wheel Of Fortune and hown Vanna White gets her dress ripped off by the wheel. It's an operetta actually. I died laughing trying to get him to tell me the rest of the story, but he wouldn't say because he thought it too horrible to share. I had a fabulous time this weekend. I made new friends and learned which ones to run from and hopefully the people I invited over for Wes' Halloween party will be able to make it as I have tons of room in my house (CircleK is also going I hope). I will have pics up as soon as I get them back from the Reverend and from my camera. |
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btw: Hey, vote for me at STVlive's poll - I am waaayyyyy behind. and -I have no link - but send me a caption that goes with this pic |