updated 08/22/00
So here it is, my words of wisdom to
take you through your day (or
couple of days as you will cut
me some slack on how often I update
this). You can even ask
a specific question to me (via
email - not icq) if you want some
specific "wisdom" from me.
So I got my grades back for the Summer Semester. I even had mom open them up over the phone because I was so sure there would be no need for me to hide them from her and then make a quick "DM Style" grade sheet that reflected me in the highest honor. (Not that I would have the means or know how for that - but the point being I didn't need to buy any). Mom reads them out to me "Photography - A, Pre-Calculus -B, and then it says here you got an FA in Speech... what's that mean? did you do all your assignments? Did you even bother to show up at all? What have you been doing this semester?" Then my father is called in (at my request) as the voice of reason (any reason at all at this point) to look at it - all the while I am on the phone freaking out that I failed for reasons of silliness - i.e. using a speech assignment to do a bad impression of a transvestite, or not bringing enough gum for the WHOLE class to share. My parents tried to make everything better by telling me I am still their daughter (legally) even if i FAILED and that they still loved me (as long as I make it up to them by getting a nobel peace prize) even though i FAILED and I am still allowed to eat dinner (scraps) there even though I FAILED.. you get the whole sorry picture. So I called up the school to see what gives - using my best cry-at-a-moments-notice voice that emits into a higher pitch after each person I am transferred to. A juvenile trick, but one that works when you need answers. I am told that I attended the WRONG class. What? I have seen this in the movies before where someone just "slips in" to a high school class and is 25 without people knowing or "shows up" to an office job where they never even had an interview and ends up owning the company in the end - but never did I think it factored into real (or at least my) life. I was astounded. I wrote my teacher asking her if she had "noticed" that I was not on her role, and I asked the administration if they "noticed" I would be needing to purchase a clone to be at two places at once (Photography and speech were at the same time). I got the same blank expression that I usually give someone bugging me with a quesitons I don't know the answer to when I am at a temp job and know that it's the last day I have to be there. UGH!!! Anyway.. through my persistance, they granted me the grade that the teacher gave me (a B) and I am now the proud owner of a 3.5 GPA. I also get to eat from the dinner table again and no longer am using the guidance counselor to enter in my schedule for me. Just goes to show - you can't depend on anyone but yourself and whatever whining capabilities you possess. I start class tomorrow - i am taking all art classes this term (computer graphics major for those just tuning in). One web based Art History course, one called Drawing I, and most importantly - a class that only teaches Adobe software graphics. Wish me luck.
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